Are You Sensing There Are Higher Possibilities of Love, Energy and Creativity You Could Activate for Yourself and the World? ... If You Only Knew How?

We are living in times of unprecedented political and social upheaval, fear, division and uncertainty. The landscape that we navigate in our daily lives is ever-changing. The walls of some of our time-honored institutions and firmly held beliefs are crumbling.

Many of us recognize that our culture’s established mindset of “What’s in it for me, at all costs and without consideration for our fellow man and Mother Nature” is neither satisfying us as individuals nor serving humanity.

If the great mystics, sages and spiritual masters are right – what’s required for us to move through these challenges is a shift in consciousness. And the best way to change or improve the circumstances of our world is for all of us to first realize deeply who we are . . . that we are the world.

As Buddhist monk and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh, puts it, “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.”

But for most of us, that path of awakening has been strictly an individual journey. Most of our spiritual practices have a deep inward focus, and we’ve been taught that meditation is something we do quietly, in solitude and with our eyes closed.

And while it’s important to awaken and develop individually . . . it can make us feel achingly alone – as if we have to carry the future all on our own.

With a world population quickly approaching 7.5 billion and technology connecting us like never before, doesn’t it make sense that our spiritual practices would evolve to meet our evolving world?

So instead of retreating within ourselves . . . to truly wake up from our separateness, we would turn toward each other and forge relationships with others like us to bring forth this new consciousness, together.

Mutual Awakening It’s Meditation for the We-Space

You may already be sensing that this space of shared unity is an important next step for you (and for humanity). Many of us are being called – literally pulled by the future – into this new frontier of consciousness.

But, until now it hasn’t been easy for everyone to access it.

That’s why contemporary spiritual teacher and author, Patricia Albere, has made it her mission to make the Mutual Awakening Practice – the clearest, simplest and most powerful way for people to access a higher relatedness and the next level of consciousness – available to as many people as possible.

She has created Mutual Awakening: The Essential Guide to WE-Space Meditation – a 5-module, online, guided journey that will fully empower anyone to enter into new dimensions of relating and expanding consciousness together.

It’s Never Been Simpler for You and a Partner to Experience the Profound Benefits of Mutual Awakening



Learn more about how Mutual Awakening can benefit your life today!